Let’s join forces in our desire to use data intelligently
The name Desirdata is inspired by Max Ehrmann’s beautiful 1927 poem “Desiderata,” which means “things desired.”
Desirdata is the solo company venture of Sam—and still in full development.

What it is that we do
Desirdata offers services and products around several core topics.
Data Science
We help define and execute your data science & AI projects.
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We have plenty of experience in freelance data science project definition and execution, both for small and large clients. We cover exploratory and modeling use cases, up to industrialization. We can also help staff your internal data science team.
Example customer
Data scientist in the Business Analytics team
Web Development
We develop your frontend and backend applications.
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We create or improve your single-page and multi-page web applications, from either frontend and backend side. We can also set you up for any automation you might benefit from, such as customized alerts. Our preferred tech stack involves Next.js and Django.
Example customer
Full-stack web developer for an amateur sports organization
Data Content
We do your content writing with and about data.
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We are specialized in content writing with data (creating stories for your employees or the entire world) & about data (for example, to document your data-driven processes). We can also help you make (interactive) standalone or dashboard visualizations.
Example customer
Data storyteller on an educational platform
Data Literacy
We train you to become a better data professional.
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We develop and deliver unique online and offline trainings covering the skills needed to become a better data scientist or data-related content writer. Occasionally, some of our training material is released online for free.
Example customer
Coach during 7-month long data & AI bootcamps
Reaching out
Contact Us
If you want to go placidly amid the noise and haste with (Desir)data as your guide, get in touch to find out if we match.
© Desirdata 2022-2050